Positional release online class

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Welcome to positional release online. Choose a lesson below to get started.


Lesson 1. Introduction to Positional Release

Length: 20 minutesComplexity: Standard

positional release introduction

This is the introduction to our positional release online class. This lesson covers the history and neurological basis for positional release and it’s cousins strain-counter strain, integrated neuromuscular inhibition, facilitated positional release, and orthobionomy. Then the basic positional release technique principles are demonstrated.

Lesson 2. The Neck

Length: 30 minutesComplexity: Standard

lateral neck positional release technqiue

This lesson looks at the lateral neck, anterior neck and posterior neck. Each section focuses on evaluation of the various structures using motion assessment, then freeing restriction using positional release. Cautions and contraindications about neck work are also discussed.

Lesson 3. The shoulder

Length: 40 minutesComplexity: Standard

Shoulder positional release

During this section of the positional release online class, Diana focuses on positional release for the shoulder. This includes motion assessment for the glenohumeral joint and muscles. Then she demonstrates specific techniques for the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, teres major, coracoid process, pectoralis major and minor, serratus anterior, biceps tendon, deltoid, rhomboids and levator scapula.

Lesson 4. The arm and hand

Length: 10 minutesComplexity: Standard

positional release for the arm

This lesson discusses the basic anatomy of the forearm and wrist. This includes positional release for the flexors and the extensors. She also shows techniques for rheumatoid arthritis in the finger joints.

Lesson 5. Thoracic spine

Length: 7 minutesComplexity: Standard

thoracic spine release

This lesson shows evaluation and treatment of the thoracic spine. This includes techniques for the upper thoracic spine and lower thoracic spine, which require different release positions to achieve an effect release.

Lesson 6. Quadratus Lumborum

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Length: 5 minutesComplexity: Standard

Quadratus lumborum muscle

This lesson shows how to release the quadratus lumborum. The technique includes correct movement of the femur and ilium to compress the muscle until it releases.

Lesson 7. Lumbar Spine

Length: 14 minutesComplexity: Standard

positional release for the iliacus muscle

This lesson shows how to treat the lumbar pain at 5 different locations, including the iliacus, psoas, piriformis, gluteus medius and posterior lumbar muscles.

Lesson 8. Long and short leg

Length: 5 minutesComplexity: Standard

positional release for short or long leg

This is part of the pelvis section, and includes how to evaluate for a short and long leg, then how to balance each of these conditions.

Lesson 9. Psoas

Length: 8 minutes

Psoas muscle release

This lesson details the psoas major assessment in a variety of different ways, as well as multiple release techniques.

Lesson 10. Sacrum

Length: 6 minutesComplexity: Standard


This lesson shows a general sacral release and specific sacral points.

Lesson 11. Knee – anterior

Length: 9 minutesComplexity: Standard

Positional release for the knee

This lesson demonstrates evaluation for the patellar motion in 4 directions. She then shows evaluation and positional release techniques for the quadriceps and pez anserinus attachment.

Lesson 12. Posterior leg

Length: 8 minutesComplexity: Standard

ischial tuberosity

This lesson shows to to relieve hamstring strain, the gastrocnemius, the soleus, and achilles tendonitis.

Lesson 13. Ankle

Length: 3 minutesComplexity: Standard

Positional release for the ankle

This lesson shows evaluation for the medial and lateral ankle, and positional release techniques to address issues in this area.

Lesson 14. Integration

Length: 20 minutesComplexity: Standard

Neck massage

This lesson demonstrates how to integrate positional release into a standard massage. Diana demonstrates 3 routines in real time so you can see how the work is put together.