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Muscle Trigger Point anatomy, Learn Muscles, Massage techniques, Anatomy quiz pro, Skeletal Anatomy and more. For both iPhone and android.

Muscle Trigger Point Anatomy
A Reference for the most common trigger points and referral patterns for over 70 muscles. Features 100+ trigger points with their corresponding referral patterns. Each muscle includes the visual referral pattern and point location, plus a written muscle action, referral and comments for each muscle. You can choose to view each muscle individually, or use the zones view to see all the muscles that refer into a specific area, a great help in discovering the source of pain.

Learn Muscles: Anatomy Quiz and Reference
A great reference, testing and education tool. Includes 120 beautiful muscle IMAGES with name, action, origin, insertion and comments, plus 4 embedded VIDEOS explaining the function of the hip, shoulder, back and face muscles (15 min total). Also includes 16 flash card style multiple choice QUIZZES on the name, action, origin or insertion of each muscle, 480 randomized questions in all. Click the image to see more.

Muscle and Bone anatomy 3d
An amazing reference for anyone interested in the human musculo-skeletal system. Featuring five different ways to learn about the body: The VIEWER, 3-D LESSONS, two types of QUIZZES, and VIDEOS.
VIEWER: The viewer allows you to control a 3D view of the body, with labels that lead to full screen images of 120 muscles each with the name, action, origin, insertion, nerve supply and comments for each muscle. Also, there are 5 full screen views of the skeleton that cover over 100 bones and landmarks, with comments about each structure. Click on the image to see more.

Skeletal Anatomy 3d
Test your knowledge of 140 bones and landmarks with our Speed Quiz in 3D (with audio), or expand your knowledge with the reference section, nine 3D models, 12 Diagrams, plus video. SPEED QUIZ 3D: Featuring 140 bones and landmark locations, plus an audio option that speaks the correct pronunciation of each structure as the quiz progresses. The quiz is randomized, and you can choose from a half quiz (70 questions), the full quiz (140 questions), or practice mode where you practice 10 questions at a time on an area you need help with. Click the image to see more.

Anatomy Quiz Pro
Learn Anatomy the easy and fun way with this enjoyable multiple choice quiz.
Learn anatomy easily with this unique anatomy quiz where you match the correct image to the structure named. Not only is this much more fun than traditional anatomy multiple choice quizzes, but this app includes over 331 anatomical structures in beautiful 3d renderings. The topics include 99 bones, 121 muscles, and 111 organ images. In each area, you can create your own quizzes on specific structures that you need work on. Each image can be enlarged for a closer look by using a long touch. Turn on the timer option for an extra challenge!

Anatomy 3d organs
Expand your knowledge of the organs with this robust application that combines 3D models, video, audio lectures, quizzes and text to create a rich learning experience. Includes basic information on the brain, heart, stomach, spleen, pancreas, small intestines, reproductive organs, large intestines, kidneys, liver, skin and lungs. Also learn about cells, tissues and organ systems. Each section includes beautiful diagrams of the organ anatomy, histology and location, along with text, video, audio and 3d models that support easy learning.

Massage Techniques
Learn to give an amazing massage. Featuring 130 massage techniques, 13 full massage routines and an anatomy section. Each technique includes a video demonstration, a still image, and a text description. You can view techniques by body area or alphabetically. The 13 massage routines range from 10 minutes to one hour in length. Click the image to see more.

Dog Anatomy: Canine 3d
A fantastic, interactive visual reference with over 300 anatomical structures. Rotate the model, cut down through layers, or zoom in. Tap the labels to get details of each structure with audio pronunciation, text descriptions and a close-up view. This app covers the superficial landmarks, superficial and deep muscles, bones, and organs. Quiz yourself on each section, make your own quiz, or have the app quiz you on just what you missed. If you want to understand canine anatomy, this app is for you.

Horse Anatomy: Equine 3d
Explore the anatomy of the horse in 3D space. Each structure is clearly labeled, with a close-up view and commentary. Easily cut down through the layers, or rotate the horse to see different views. This app covers the superficial landmarks, the superficial muscles, all the bones, and the organs. The quiz function covers over 300 structures. Quiz yourself on each section, make your own quiz, or have the app quiz you on just what you missed. If you want to understand equine anatomy, this app is for you.
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